No one wants to have bad skin that is full of holes thanks to pimples. Many people do not take care of their skin and after not taking care of themselves they complain. So many people do not take care of themselves from the inside out. Thanks to this, these people suffer from bad skin. Skin often reflects what is going on inside of you; also what people eat affects their skin.
Some people don’t know how to take care of their skin. However, the outside can be fixed by eating right, giving yourself monthly facials, and/or biweekly facials.
I know some people might not know where to start or some guys sometimes think this kind of stuff is only for women, but gentlemen you are all wrong. This is for everyone.
a. First step: Find what type of skin you have. Most people do not know this so they don’t buy the right products for their skin type. There are 5 different types of skin. There is normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive. Which you can find out going to
b. Second Step: Now after you find out what type of skin you have, you can go and buy skin care products that you need. They will be a Cleanser, Toner, Scrub, Mask, and Moisturizer, Sun block, and Comedone Extractor/Blackhead extractor.
Third Step: In this step you will be gathering the stuff that you need to get the facial going. Get about 6 hand towels or 13 washcloths, I know they are one too many towels but once you start giving yourself a facial you will see why so many are needed. Then get all your products and some alcohol and some cotton. (which is the pic on top)
d. Fourth Step: Now the fun starts! Get your towels humid and put them in a bowl in the microwave for about 5 mins.
Let’s get the facial going on; you need to get about a quarter size of cleanser.
Let’s get the facial going on; you need to get about a quarter size of cleanser.
How to spread the cleanser on your face.
Spread it from your chest up to your face in circular motion and upwards. Don’t drag the product down because that will be creating wrinkles and that’s not what we want.
Now to take off your cleanser, grab a hot towel, but make sure that it’s not too hot you don’t want to burn yourself, place the towel on your face and press it down with your hands, then grab the towel and start wiping upwards. After you are done with that don’t put the towels in the same bowl with the clean hot towels because you will only be spreading the bacteria you just wiped off. Make sure you have a bag or a bin where you can put your dirty towels.

Fifth Step: After that, apply toner to a cotton ball and spread it from chest but to all of your face.
(dont take pics while talking to people and trying to apply toner on your face XD lol)
Then repeat step four and the beginning of step five to the letter. After this, comes scrubbing your face.
Get about a quarter size of scrub and apply it on your face.
Now this you have to work it more than the cleanser, so do the same with circular motions up down and all around and get every inch of your skin. Now for taking it off do the same as you did with the cleanser.
Sixth Step: After you get the scrub off your face, you will be extracting the impurities from your skin. Now this step will be a bit trickier, because the tool is a bit hard to use. Get the extractor and use some more alcohol and cotton balls. Keep a cotton ball/ cotton round saturated with alcohol so you can clean what you extract on it. Be in an area that is well-lit and that you have a mirror. When you have comedones/black-heads you will see dark open pores, or black dots. They are mostly on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead area. These are the oiliest areas on your face.

Seventh Step: Wash your face like before with a pea size of cleanser to wash away all the bacteria you extracted and remove the cleanser as before.
After this get the mask and spread it evenly on. If the mask looks like is not giving you enough coverage re-apply the mask. The mask will be on for 15 minutes, in these 15 minutes take time to lie down and relax.
After the 15 minutes have passed you can take your mask off like before make sure that your towels are still hot, if not put them back in the microwave for 1 minute, and the take off the mask. After this apply on the moisturizer and then the sunblock, and you are done.
III. The conclusions to these steps are for you to take care of your skin. Remember YOU need to know the type of skin you have then get your products. After you have your products start with the cleanser, then toner, then cleanse again, and tone again. After you have done these four steps you can apply the scrub, remember you have to work in the scrub so it can lift all the dead cells so you can have a better extraction, then extract off all the impurities you can. After you have done this wash your face again. Then Put on the mask for 15 mins relax and after wards take it off, apply the moisturizer/hydrating cream and sun block, and YOU are done ^_~
Everyone enjoys having a healthy look for themselves, Might this be physical or mentally. Taking care of your skin is not as hard as it seem nor as time consuming as you would think. Take care of yourself so you can enjoy a better looking you.