Welcome note
First of this blog is about my interest which are: My life with my cute Pomeranian, makeup, food, clothes, books, and probably video games. I wont take any more of your time so go on and read.
Thank you so much for stopping by and giving my blog a little bit of your time =3
Monday, December 19, 2011
Outfit Post~ From 12/16/11
New Hair!
Back to Black
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Might be moving... wut the frog?
Friday, December 9, 2011
Review on Garnier Skin Renew Anti-Dark Circles Eye Roller
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Christmas Nail Art
Ebay Haul
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Pet Haul yes Pet Haul
This post is pic heavy so the pics and the rest of the review will be under the cut.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Benefit Cosmetics Review
Pinky Paradise Haul XD
I order from pinky paradise some circle lenses the other day and I took advantage of the special they were having of buy 2 pair of circle lenses and get one free, so I got me some princess mimi circle lenses >:3. I also got some Decolog Eyelashes Who's series (Dolly). I'm so excited I can't wait to go someplace so I can wear them >_> Probably will be worn on turkey day (thanksgivings) ヽ(*・ω・)ノ.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Reviews & Hauls Coming soon
Monday, November 14, 2011
Shopping expirience with my father....
Anyways I was looking around at the hair colors and I found a really nice brown hair color that I'm totally in love with, its the 4gn light gold neutral brown by Clairol. Then I went to look at hair extensions, so i look around the store and i asked one of the gurl who work there to help me out she was so nice anyhow she did so she even matched my hair on the bottom with the extensions.~ I got some sassy hair extensions that are 100% human hair they cost me like $63. I got these because I had them before in black and they looked very natural on me so I decided to buy them again in my current color.
So I was with my dear father who doesn't understand why women "waste" their money on hair products and the such. He looked at me and was said to me O_O "Sharday that's too expensive.", I looked at him back -___- "Hush they are cheap. You don't know what expensive hair extensions are.", then he said to me >_> "You are crazy wasting your money like that.", and I looked at him like -____- and said "Look fool, you ain't going to be buying me anything for Christmas so I'm getting myself what I want for Christmas." This whole convo happened in Spanish, so the Spanish boy who was cashing me out snicked and said to my dad in Spanish to leave me there and don't drive me back home. I was like =O mean much.
At the end of the day it was an adventure. Going shopping with my dad is not the best thing ever but its better than going with my mom. I'll post some pics of my hair extensions soon and the other stuff I got for my hair and what not.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Book Review: Manga Moods
This books its quite cute and a must buy if you are like me and lack on facial expressions in your drawings (^_^); . First, the book shows you different expressions like the cover says 40 faces. Secondly, the book tells you the expression in English and Japanese. Finally, the book helps you understand a bit more the Hiragana and it has a few pages on writing in Hiragana. Here are a few pics of the expressions in the book.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Book Review on Manga Matrix: Create Unique Characters Using the Japanese Matrix System by Hiroyoshi Tsukamoto
Book Review on Manga: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Digital Painting Techniques by ImagineFX
The book its quite informative and it gives the reader a few workshops for them to do and better their techniques. So far I haven't done anything because I got them today, but from what I read its quite informative. It has seven chapters one of them being an introduction to the book. It has seven galleries for seven different artist. It also has about 19 workshops and Q and A from the artists. Here are some pics of the pics inside the book.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Dear Wal-Mart
Not only did i get fired by your stupid ass assistant manager, but! your stupid employees need better fucking training. FIRST! how can you not scan the receipt to void a purchase. Second, its completely ridiculous to have my purchase scanned 2 times to void it and to re sell it. Finally, HAVE YOU PPL NOT HEARD OF TECHNOLOGY?
A really pissed off ex employee/costumer.
Uber craveings
So yesterday was halloween! Today el dia de los muertos! And none of this days are helping me. I have been craving candies, carrot cake, and spagetties with chicken. bah! When will the cravings end! D: it sucks trying to lose weight and having all the cravings.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Like really are ppl that stupid? I totally looked like a unicorn, a drag looking one but a unicorn none the less lol. Well here are some pics of me in my costume. I hope ya'll have a great day.
Hot topic: Ears, tail, and tutu ( something something unicorn)
Shirt: Rainbow
Pants: City Street
Shoes: Steve Madden flats
Fluffyness: It was made by moi and my dad
Bows: The ribbon was from Joann's
Wig: Halloween Express
Eyebrows: Star Sequin (from Joann's)
Foundation: Neutrogena #60
Facepowder: Benefit's Cute as a bunny (honey)
Blush: Benefit's Dandelion
Eyeshadow: I wore a hot pink, purple, cream colors from elf 100 pallet.
Eyeliner: Hardcandy liquid liner (black)
Lipstick: MAC: Hello Kitty: Most Popular (Lustre)
Under eye glitter: Glitz It Glitter Gel Ben-Nye
Top Lashes: I got them a few Halloweens ago at wal-mart if i recall correctly.
Bottom Lashes: Forever Eyelash EL501
Contacts: Princess Mimi Chocolate Brown 15mm (Tsubasa Bambi series)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
October 27 2011: the world is ending
You guys might think 'what is this chick talking about? Or what is this chick on?
Well I'll tell you! On this glorious day at 11 something am I found out that I got my first B in my horrible math class. Why I say horrible math class? Well first of all like I have said in a previous post I have a bad teacher. Second there is no extra credit. Lastly I have been failing the test before this.
Also, today I got the pink pants for my costume. Tomorrow I buy my wig cap and the color for it, and I got me some kaluha to celebrate my acomplishment on my math test.
Finally, I'm like blah my last speech has to be done in a group project with a kid who misses schoo, another who lives in lala land, and just me and another girl will probably end up doing the whole thing. I just hope we get a high grade on our speech.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Well I went with my cousin to the university mall today and got my costumr originally I was going to be a bunny but then there was a change of plans and now im going to be a unicorn. We will see what it will all look like later on.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Math.0028 at HCC...
So this year I decided on taking the last math for prep classes. If I pass I was going to be able to move on in school, BUT that's not the case here. You may wonder why? Well in this semester hcc brandon has a teacher who has never in her life given this class, she has only given college level algebra.
So today, after the midterm was given and what not, I recived an email from the math lab telling me that my teacher discuss with them how poorly Im doing in class. I was like o.O are you effing serious?
Then I thought so after I went to her seeking extra credit and she said no, she waited till the semester is almost over to try and get me help? Well I dont think that will fly with me. First of all what teacher does that? Second, a good teacher would have approached me and asked what was going on? How come my grades on the hw are good N my tests are bad? And lastly, if she would have been so concerned about my grades she would have given me extra credit.
So in summery of all this. HCC sucks at picking some teachers for their prep classes and some of the prep classes teachers just dont give a fuck about how are their students doing.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Update on me lol hmm I havent posted in about 2 months
Hello everyone or people who read this blog. I hope ya'll having a wonderful day and time.
So let me get on to this post! :3
I know I haven't been around. Life as of late has been getting a bit dificult, I am trying to get a small buisness going, school keeps me uber busy, and family life isnt getting any better. However, with my busy life I have been able to keep losing weight and eating right. So far im really happy with the way I have been looking lately.
moving on, what are you gals and guys going to be doing for halloween? If you want to know what I'll be just come back in a week or so I'll be posting a pic of me in costume :)
Finally, I'll leave you guys a pic to see if any of you can notice the difference in my face.
Please leave comments on my pic or letting me know what you guys are going to be for halloween. I cant wait to see :). Have a great one everyone ;).
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
It has been a while...
I know, I haven't been around for a while, so here is what happened:
First the guy who I was with "broke" up with me, why? idk. I didn't even knew he broke up with me... Yeah... I tried contacting him but he never tried to contact me back. I guess his sister filled his head with lies since the bitch hated me. All this happened a few days after my birthday, and to top it all he never called for my B-day, i ended up calling him instead of the other way around...
Then, I was quite heart broken and depressed... I let go of my self for a little bit, since I didn't know how to handle every thing that was going on...
Now, I'm trying to get back in track with everything in my life. I meet someone new a month ago, but I don't really trust him because of what my ex did to me and the way he disappeared and then out of the blue he was no longer with me. Also, School is starting next week <3. I can't wait for college to start it will give me something to do. NO DRAMA <3 which is the best of the best.
All in all I will try not to drop off the phase of the earth and be around more often. ^_^ <3
Monday, June 13, 2011
Boring Birthday
Monday, June 6, 2011
She doesn't take my feelings into consideration, call me names,and this make me more depressed than what I already am. This makes me wonder why do mother's do this to their kids? Are all mothers like this? Why have us if you don't really want us? This does not make any sense to me one bit.
Anyways, after hearing her say all this to me. I can't really reply to her in a nice manner, because I am already so upset. Then, she tells me how ungrateful I am and if I'll get a birthday present when I start being nice and not sarcastic. Like if I am a little kid, and to me if she wants respect from me, she should give me respect as well.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Early - Birthday Celebration
Shirt: AB Studio Asymmetrical Tiered Top @ Kohl's (white)
Pants: Arizona Schoolgirl Crop (black)@ JCP
Shoes: A.N.A 'Cannes' Sandal (white) @JCP
Circle Lenses: (Green) Geo Super Angel
Wristlet: Traffic (white)
Friday, May 27, 2011
Why this sadness?
Sometimes, I just feel like I am about to drown on a cup of water and I can't see the way out of it. Also, I dislike how much I need someone else to help me out from drowning stage. I wish I was a stronger person (not in a macho way) to not need someone else to help me out of that, but realistically speaking I need my other half a little too much. I just feel so helpless at times and like love is not meant for me? I guess its confidence issues, but my faults are horrible.
I try not to be clingy nor needy but sometimes I can't help it :(. And let's face it what man loves a clingy needy woman? From my experience only my current man.
This really makes me think more about our future but I get scared at times. What if he gets tired of me? What if he stops loving me? What if someone tries to break us apart? Though, I have to admit when he stayed to sleep at his ex-wife's house I felt a bit of jealousy still knowing he can't stand her... Maybe I'm just having confidence issues? Or perhaps it's the lack of sleep? :(
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Long Time No See :3
Well lets see since my college classes started I haven't had much time to do anything v.v, but thank god I'm on summer vacation now (yay!!! lol). Lets see since I last blogged I went through 2 semesters in which I failed one class on each semester bringing my GPA down to 2.3 x-x (suckage I know). Next semester I need to bring up my gpa and take classes more seriously, and hope drama doesn't knock on my door anymore (jebus >-<), and no more kina getting sick >-< (she almost give me a heart attack because she never get's sick).
I have also started dating again after almost 4 years... Took me long enough to find my other half though to most of my family he isn't good enough, but to me he is the best man that have come by my life and I hope he will be there for all the time I have left on earth. (Can you say madly in love <3?)
Hmmm... Lets see what else?... Oh!! also I have lost some weight too~ That is something to be uber happy about. Since this change going on with my body I decided to dress Gyaru or Gal <3<3<3. I love this fashion, I think think its really sexy and cute at the same time. :3 Now all that I have left to do is work more on my self confidence and become a prettier gal :D.