Welcome note

Hello everyone and Welcome to my blog~

First of this blog is about my interest which are: My life with my cute Pomeranian, makeup, food, clothes, books, and probably video games. I wont take any more of your time so go on and read.

Thank you so much for stopping by and giving my blog a little bit of your time =3


Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27 2011: the world is ending

You guys might think 'what is this chick talking about? Or what is this chick on?

Well I'll tell you! On this glorious day at 11 something am I found out that I got my first B in my horrible math class. Why I say horrible math class? Well first of all like I have said in a previous post I have a bad teacher. Second there is no extra credit. Lastly I have been failing the test before this.

Also, today I got the pink pants for my costume. Tomorrow I buy my wig cap and the color for it, and I got me some kaluha to celebrate my acomplishment on my math test.

Finally, I'm like blah my last speech has to be done in a group project with a kid who misses schoo, another who lives in lala land, and just me and another girl will probably end up doing the whole thing. I just hope we get a high grade on our speech.

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