Welcome note

Hello everyone and Welcome to my blog~

First of this blog is about my interest which are: My life with my cute Pomeranian, makeup, food, clothes, books, and probably video games. I wont take any more of your time so go on and read.

Thank you so much for stopping by and giving my blog a little bit of your time =3


Monday, July 30, 2012

Hair Update~ (Picture heavy)

As many of you know I have been wanting to be a blonde for the longest time, so after getting my hair cut in Puerto Rico, (which let me tell you! them people down there don't know shit about doing layered hair cuts) moving on~, So after my hair looking like this in color.

I decided to bleach my hair once again and it ended like this...

Which I was okay with because I had a toner.

This is what my hair ended looking after the toner was in my hair. Which again I was okay with because I had a hair color which I thought It would take off that orangey color.

But no my hopes for blonde hair went down the hill... In camera with the flash you couldn't see how light blue was the bottom of my hair and the top was greenish. Then I decided to use what I had laying around in my bathroom.

I was hoping for my hair to turn like this color but it didn't.

But it ended up like this~! Of course because I had a mix of blondes in my hair my hair turned out to have a mix of blues in it!

And this is what it looks like when I put in my hair extensions~

Well lovelies this is my hair update I hope in the future I'll be having more time to keep you guys updated with my hauls and what not. Love ya'll~ 

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